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Member Networks
Some members have created networks or groups that are smaller gathering places related to UniLang or pertain directly to UniLang members. Here are the ones that we currently know of. If you know of others, or create your own, and would like them featured here, please contact us.
System: Facebook
URL: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2223833995
Owner: Amoeba
Requirement: Free registration to Facebook
Description: "Welcome all Unilangers and Unilangresses to this, another corner of the world wide web reserved for us, the language-obsessed."
facebook page

System: Lang-8
URL: http://lang-8.com/groups/713
Owner: Riptide
Requirement: Free registration to Lang-8
Description: The Unilang Lang-8 group is a place where language learners can write journals in their target languages and quickly receive corrections and feedback.
lang-8 page

System: Frappr
URL: http://www.frappr.com/unilang
Owner: ?
Requirement: Free registration to frappr
Description: Frappr provides dynamic maps for groups to post places and people. This map contains UniLang members with pictures, showing where they are in the world. This map is all included in the myspace UniLang page.
frappr page

System: YouTube
URL: http://www.youtube.com/group/unilang
Owner: Bojan
Requirement: Free registration to YouTube
Description: "The group that contains personal videos of members of Unilang"
youtube page

System: last fm
URL: http://www.last.fm/group/Unilang
Owner: alicpan
Requirement: Free registration to last.fm
lastfm page